Author Archives: admin

FREE Asbestos Training

Small businesses can have access to free asbestos awareness training during the months of September and October. This is all because of the UKATA’s annual Train Safe Campaign. UKATA members are offering the training to help raise understanding about the dangers of asbestos exposure and the necessary precautions. in 2015 members pledged 3,500 hours of free asbestos awareness training as part of the campaign. To book for the training, visit

HSE raises Intervention Fee

Employers to pay more when breaking the H&S law When the intervention scheme was launched, HSE charged any employers breaking the health and safety law enforcement costs of £124 per hour. Four years later that has now been raised to £129 due to HSE’s annual report 2015/16 showing the fee for intervention is costing HSE more to run it than it can recover. Income from the scheme in 2015/16 was £14.7m but the cost was £17.4m bringing a deficit of £2.7million. image

HSE Provisional Figures Show UK Fatality Rate Has Plateaued

Newly Published Workplace Fatalities Revealed During the period March 15 – March 16 statistics have shown that 144 people were killed at work. This latest fatal injury rate is 7% lower than the five year ( 2010 – 11, to 2014 – 15 ) average of 155 deaths. This indicates that there is a downward trend of workplace deaths with it more than being halved over the past 20 years. As it currently stands, these figures are provisional and won’t be finalised until July next year, this does mean that the figure of 144 could change.
  • 43 construction workers died last year, this has gone up since the previous year with a total of 35. This figure does include someone who was killed when Didcot Power Station collapsed in February but doesn’t take into consideration the three bodies that have not yet been found.
  • 27 workplace deaths occurred in the manufacturing industry, higher than the 5 year average of 22.
  • 27 fatalities in agriculture, this is lower than the 5 year average of 32.
  • 6 workers in the waste and recycling industry were killed compared with the 5 year average of 7.
  • Asbestos related cancer killed 2,515 in 2014, compared with 2,556 in 2013.
IOSH president Dr Karen McDonnell said in regard to the figures – “Britain is renowned the world over for its health and safety systems. The release of these figures, however, is a timely reminder of the need to continue to improve working conditions, both in Britain and across the world. Martin Temple, chair of the HSE said – “Britain has one of the best health and safety systems in the world, but we should always be looking to improve and to prevent incident that cost lives. image